GreenSquareMetre offers the IFC’s ‘Edge Expert’ guidance to project teams, property developers and owners on the standards and certification system for the development of green buildings in Nigeria/Sub-Saharan Africa. Our green building advisory service cuts across 6 major property classes covering; Residential, Hospitality, Office, Education, Retail and Medical.

By definition, the IFC’s conceptualisation of ‘Green Building’ incorporates design techniques, technologies, and materials that reduce dependence on fossil fuels and negative environmental impact. Greener construction offers a chance to lock in energy and water savings at a low cost and to secure emission cuts for decade to come.

In order to achieve the IFC’s Edge (Green) Building certification, developments must achieve a 20% reduction in energy and water consumption respectively, as well as another 20% reduction in the embodied energy of materials used.

The financial benefits of building green include higher initial sale and resale values for developers and owners alike, quicker sales for both, lower utility bills for buyers, and lower default rates for (mortgage) banks.

To speak with us regarding our green building advisory service, please book a consultation with us by clicking here and include ‘Green Building Advisory’ as the subject – (Link to consultation booking form with newsletter opt-in).

*Clients who engage us on our green building advisory can also benefit from our project fundraising and finance services (hyperlink to Fundraising/Finance dropdown) where we work with you to raise cheaper and more flexible finance with which to undertake your green building ‘greenfield’ or ‘retrofit’ projects.